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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

From the adventures of Trump and other demons

Por sumily

In October of last year, in a tweet, Trump told Tillerson that "he was wasting his time" pretending to talk with the "little rocket man", a way in which he refers to Kim Jong-un. That same month, in later days, Tillerson was forced to call a press conference to deny rumors that he planned to resign.

A week ago, Tillerson was on an official trip to Africa when he was taken by surprise by the announcement that Trump would meet with the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un. Iran, apparently, is another issue in which Trump and Tillerson disagreed. In this case, due to the agreement reached by international powers over its nuclear energy program during the years of the presidency of Barack Obama. Obviously, the differences between the two came to light once more, this time, with a final point.

What everyone knows is that first, a publication appeared on Twitter. Then a formal call to abruptly remove from his position the head of US diplomacy. The president of the United States, Donald Trump, by means of a tweet dismissed Rex Tillerson from his post as Secretary of State and announced as his replacement the director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Mike Pompeo.

To say of Trump, Pompeo, director of the CIA will do a formidable job. The president also thanked RexTillerson for his service. In the tweet itself, it was also announced that the new director of the CIA will be Gina Haspel, until the moment number two of Pompeo in the agency.Steve Goldstein, undersecretary of Public Diplomacy, reacted immediately to the dismissal of Tillerson, to clarify that the Secretary of State had not spoken to Trump and did not know the reason for the dismissal.

A few hours after the incident, the Secretary of State informed through brief statements transmitted by the television press that the president on board the presidential plane AirForceOne had called him to officially inform him of his dismissal. To say of Tillerson, the most important thing is to achieve an orderly and smooth transition, more at a time when the country faces transcendental challenges in matters of politics and national security.

In turn, he thanked the officials of the Department of State, those of the Department of Defense, the army, although he did not express gratitude towards the president. However, the official will remain in office until March 31, although from March 20, he will delegate his responsibilities to John Sullivan, deputy secretary of the department.

Born in the state of Texas and 65, Tillerson was appointed Secretary of State in February 2017, a position he came to after having served as executive director of the oil company Exxon Mobil. At the time of his nomination, doubts were raised about Tillerson due to his close ties with Russia and President Vladimir Putin. Trump said that his tenacity, his deep knowledge of geopolitics and his wide experience make him the best option for the position of Secretary of State. The president also said that Tillerson is one of the most skilled business leaders and international negotiators.

Despite this, the differences between Trump and Tillerson were known in journalistic and diplomatic circles. The president himself has acknowledged that they disagreed on some issues. One of the issues on which the differences were most notable was North Korea.