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Monday, March 26, 2018

Matt Damon moves to Australia tired of Trump

Por Jade

Matt Damon moves with his family to Australia tired of President Trump. According to The Sunday Telegraph in Sydney, Damon, 47, has bought a property in Byron Bay, New South Wales. The house is near the property where Spanish actress Elsa Pataky and her husband, actor Chris Hemsworth, live with whom Damon recently appeared in Thor: Ragnarok.

"Matt has told his friends and colleagues in Hollywood that he is moving with the family to Australia because the activist actor does not agree with Trump's policies," reveal several media outlets in the US. According to these sources, "Matt says that the move will not affect his work, since he will travel wherever they are recording his projects, and he has also told his friends that he wants to have a safe place to raise their children." The actor, who has four daughters with his wife Luciana Barroso, has not yet officially pronounced.

Perhaps Damon looks at the change of residence to reduce criticism after comments made about the wave of accusations of sexual harassment that have invaded Hollywood in recent months. "I think there's a range of behaviors, there's a difference, you know, between touching someone's ass and raping or abusing a child, right? They would all have to be confronted and eradicated without a doubt, but they should not be mixed." said the interpreter to ABC News.

The actor, who worked closely with Harvey Weinstein and is a close friend of Ben and Casey Affleck, all involved in issues of sexual harassment, continued to explain that certain actions deserve jail, while others are only "shameful and gross": "We live in this culture of scandal, which we will have to correct in order to say: 'Wait a moment, none of us is perfect.' Shortly after, to Business Insider, Damon added: "We are at a decisive moment, and it's great. But I think one of the things that are not being talked about is that there are a large number of men - most of the people that I have worked with - who do not do these things and whose lives are not going to be affected. "

Some statements by which the actor, Oscar winner for Mars recently apologized. "I would really like to have listened much more before analyzing this. I do not want what I say or do to increase anyone's pain, so that's why I'm really sorry, "the actor corrected on the Today show two months ago.”Within the Time's Up movement, there are many women who are my friends, and I love them, I respect and support what they do and I want to be part of that change, but I should stay a step back and close my mouth for a while," he added.