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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The tangled world of the human being

Por sumily

Severe premenstrual dysphoric disorder affects 5-10% of menstruating women and is often triggered by fluctuations in hormone levels. Certain women have a genetic propensity for these changes. Various studies and research have shown that patients often have a family history of premenstrual syndrome.

While physical symptoms are common, it is the emotional symptoms that cause the greatest problems.This is a disorder that can affect any female, but it is more common to occur during adolescence when the period just begins, and it extends until after 35 years.

Hysterectomy, a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the uterus and ovaries, is usually the last resort that doctors use to deal with premenstrual dysphoric disorder and is not lightly practiced. But it can be an effective cure.

Once a month, for two weeks Lucie seemed to become another person, one who bore untold physical and mental problems, and she did not understand why.

Lucie, from the United Kingdom, confesses that at that time it was as if they had put a weight on him, to the point of visiting the doctor and confessing that he believed she was possessed. She was always a calm, carefree, happy girl, until she reached puberty. From the age of 13 he began to suffer from severe depression, anxiety and panic attacks. It was a stage in which she also began to self-harm and to experience extreme mood swings. At age 14, she was taken from her school and sent to live in a mental health unit for adolescents under the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), in addition to considering her a bipolar person.

However, none of these diagnoses seemed to fit the cyclical nature of their symptoms. At age 16, when she became pregnant with her son Toby, things changed drastically again. A few months after being pregnant, she left the hospital by then, the symptoms had simply disappeared. When the period of lactation ended and their menstrual periods returned, so did their symptoms. A few years later, Lucie, from Devon, in the south of the United Kingdom, returned to school to prepare for the university entrance examination, but every so often she felt unable to withstand the pressure and finally withdrew. Then he began to study to become a teaching assistant, until two months before finishing, his symptoms became unbearable.

At 23, Lucie became pregnant with her daughter Bella. Again he felt mentally well, despite having to spend months in the hospital because of intense vomiting. However, after Bella's birth, the symptoms she had struggled with for years worsened. Some were physical: joint and muscle pain, hypersensitivity to sounds, smells and touch, and extreme fatigue and others were invasive thoughts, irrational behavior, forgetfulness and overwhelming feelings of hopelessness.

The most frightening thing for her was the depersonalization, she felt as if she were completely disconnected from her body, and as if she were in a dream. He often had suicidal thoughts and wanted his own death. All these things happened at monthly intervals. Her husband, Martin, once spoke about how he should keep quiet before her period so as not to disturb her. Then Lucie began to study the connection between her menstruation and the symptoms and to wonder if her hormones could be the cause of her problems.

With a list of around 30 symptoms, Lucie went to talk with her GP. Her doctor sent her to see a mental health team, who said she had a physical illness that could not be treated by a psychiatrist: premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) or a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The team, in turn, exhorted him to go to the gynecologist and to value taking medications to prevent ovulation permanently.

Finally, she met a family doctor who acknowledged that none of her treatments had worked and, finally, referred her to a gynecologist. This time, he was given injections every four weeks to stop the production of estrogen in his body, which would cause him to enter a temporary menopause. The first two weeks were unexpectedly difficult. However, after that, as he prepared to start his monthly attack, nothing happened, and he felt really good for the first time, in more than a decade.

In two months, he was able to give up all the medication he had taken since adolescence. Five months after starting the injections for PMDD, the doctor gave her a new idea: to have a hysterectomy, which is the removal of the uterus and ovaries. When Lucie discussed the possibility of a hysterectomy with her husband Martin, he supported her and in December 2016, at age 28, she underwent a hysterectomy.

Now Lucie works as a teaching assistant, doing the work for which she never thought she would be good enough. "I only regret that I was not taken seriously by doctors after the birth of my daughter", says, when her symptoms became more severe.