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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The United States is no longer the center of the world

Por mayli2017

Apparently, from the Chilean organization Derechos Digitales, Vladimir Garay, the provisions regarding the signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement were suspended and not canceled, which clearly means that this is a conflict that will be resolved later, although no one knows when.

All in all, the Chilean authorities emphasize that the new intellectual protection chapter turned out to be more balanced.At a general level, this new treaty to be signed in Santiago envisages greater access to markets, advantages in areas such as services and investments, environmental and labor, electronic commerce and public purchases.In addition, it concentrates on new topics on gender, SMEs, anti-corruption, state enterprises, competitiveness, development and regulatory coherence. The 11 countries represent a market of 498 million people, with a per capita income of $ 28,090.

One year has passed since the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement was terminated after leaving the United States. Eleven countries will sign a new treaty in Santiago on Thursday, launching a strong signal against the protectionist winds of the White House.

The original agreement, designed and promoted by the United States during the presidency of Barack Obama, was signed in February 2016 after taking years of difficult negotiations between 12 countries with access to the Pacific: Australia, United States, Brunei, Chile, Canada, Malaysia , Japan, Peru, Mexico, New Zealand, Vietnam and Singapore.

However, before it became effective, the current president of the United States, Donald Trump, announced the withdrawal of his nation once he began his term, agonizing the ambitious treaty that encompassed 40% of world GDP and about 25% of international trade.

According to the chief negotiator of the TPP on the part of Chile, Felipe Lopeandía, in declarations to the AFP agency, immediately there was a commitment on the part of all very strong as to what it was necessary to do to be noticed in the world and to the own United States, because they consider that this is a good agreement and therefore, they will not be left inert before the decision made by Trump.

One year after the events, the so-called Integral and Progressive Treaty of Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) will be signed in Santiago, which includes in its statutes the original regulations but excludes intellectual property protection provisions imposed by the United States, which They had generated a strong rejection in civil society.The signing will be carried out in parallel with Trump's decision on the imposition of tariffs on steel and aluminum, threatening to trigger a commercial war, however, the signing of the CPTPP symbolizes a strong signal in favor of commercial opening.

According to Lopeandía, it is possible to reach agreements in complex matters between groups of countries, and this reassures him some confidence in the capacity of regionalism or in the schemes of countries that can prosper in agreements that are significant.Although excluding the United States represents a radical contraction in the economic weight of the agreement, which went from almost 40% of world GDP to between 15-18%, the agreement to be signed in Santiago is the most modern agreement ever signed at a global level and this was notified by the lawyer of the Faculty of Business Sciences of the Catholic University of Uruguay, Ignacio Bartesaghi.

According to what Bartesaghi said to the press, there is no commercial agreement that involves the number of countries like this one and manages to have 30 chapters where it deals with the most recent issues of international trade.What to understand the United States is a counterweight to the growing influence of China in world trade, with the decision to withdraw his country, Trump showed that the purposes pursued would be a great thing for American workers.

However, apparently from Bartesaghi, a few days after sealing, the administration of the US president has renewed his interest in the agreement, which shows little by little, that his advisers have managed to make Trump realize the role that the United States plays in the Asia Pacific and the role that the TPP played in that region, not only in economic and commercial terms but in geopolitical terms.The new agreement excludes 20 provisions registered in the chapter of intellectual property, in its great majority. The most complex of all in the original negotiation was the one that addresses the issues of undisclosed data protection and copyright because civil organizations would end up increasing the price of drugs and placing some digital rights in check.

Once it is signed, it will be put into effect after 60 days until it is ratified by six of its 11 members.