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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Dounceur ... are they obligatory?

Por sumily

It was invented by the Greeks who were in the habit of drinking only part of the contents of the cup. It was a kind of ritual, one part was drinking by the person and the other part was left in the cup to be taken by the person whose health it was given.

As a reminder of this practice, the term tip has been left. Its meaning has changed much since then, to the point that in some places it is obligatory and in others it is seen as an offense. For example, it is very common in some places in New York the sign that says "The tip is not a city of China" which is the jocular way that owners and dependents have to remind the customer to leave a tip, which ranges from 15 and 20% of the account.

The history of tips began in England several centuries ago, just when certain guests began to leave their employees a surplus. Over time, this practice became daily and spread to other regions of the world. Economists fail to explain how tips came, even, to be part of the culture and traditions of multiple societies, since seeing them from a logical reasoning are not convenient for the individual economy. Still, there are those who pay more without being forced to do so. Many see it as a citizen's duty.

Although the act of giving tips has a common basis, not in all places is the same way of doing it, when, to whom and why. For example, in South America (Brazil) it is customary to give a waiter 10%, in North America (Canada) from 15% to 25%, while in Europe (Sweden) it is from 5% to 10% . In other countries, such as Japan, tip is so rare that it can cause confusion and questions for employees.

According to research carried out, the highest tips and service indices that receive them are found in those regions where the features of the collective personality are more extroverted. Social norms and norms, salaries and service charges, habitual or not, also influence.Many specialists think that the dynamism of tips and the fact of their spread are due to the flow of foreign students, travelers, tourists and an increasingly interconnected world.

They adopt the practice and take it back to their countries.These studies suggest that in countries, where more natives visit or reside temporarily in the United States. UU, there is a tendency to raise the rate of tips, and are where higher rates are also recorded.The reasons that motivate us to leave tips to vary according to our character, personality, a way of thinking and education.

For many, this act means a request for better service for future visits, while others see it as a gesture of thanks. These last ones prefer to do it with all the workers, but mainly in those places where little tip is received. Meanwhile, those who do it by obligation offer only in those professions where it is usual and seeking social approval.Another result of these studies shows that the higher the suggestions of the establishments in terms of tips, the fewer clients will agree to leave it.