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Monday, April 9, 2018

Robert Mueller starring a police TV series: "Donald Trump, the fraud!"

Por freewinds12345

The United States is well known for its police TV series, in which the most powerful political entities get involved and conspire with other nations to undermine the stability of a specific country. The thesis of several of these series is that money corrupts politicians but, in spite of that, the public order and security organizations of the country are always dismantling with their agents any kind of attack against their country. The White House currently lives a police series where the special agent (in this case Special Counsel) Robert Mueller reveals every day the secrets around his enemy: the President of the United States.

A new file has been unveiled through a witness. George Nader, an Emirates adviser, has become one of the main sources of the research carried out by the Special Counsel. It has even been shown that Nader himself has been involved in what is now known to have been a foreign interference in the US elections. If there were the Russians or not, nobody knows so far, so Robert Muller is deciphering who have been the responsible and the dimensions of the incident. So far it is known that Nader gave 2.5 million dollars to Elliott Broidy, who through a Canadian company raised money for Donald Trump’s campaign.

Unidentified sources have already explained that part of this money offered by the Emirates advisor to Broidy was used to persuade the Americans to adopt a hard political guideline towards Qatar, an ally of the United States but an enemy of the Emirates. The revelation unquestionably makes clear to understand the why of the political panorama that has been developing in the last months the administration of the New Yorker mogul. The Emirates have held a blockade to Qatar, who has sought support from the Americans. However, the White House has not given the tough answers that the Emirates expect. Washington has well defined the nation’s interests and maintaining good relations with the Qatari oil producers is its premise, although with Donald Trump you never know where things are going to, and these new files reveal that, in order to earn money,he is capable of making a pact even with the devil itself.

The money transaction, through which the campaign against Qatar was sealed, was classified as consultations, marketing and advice payment. As part of Broidy’s actions to slander Qatar a campaign of alleged links of Qatar with Islamic extremism was set. If we are a little curious we will read in the press that the United Arab Emirates accused of something similar to Qatar, in fact it links it with Hamas. These facts are not new or isolated; a great effectiveness had these fake news during the Gulf War. As a matter of fact, the premise comes from the Hipano-Cuban-North American war when Hearst told a journalist, “you take the pictures, I’ll make the war”. Therefore, it was not surprising that after an intense and well thought marketing campaign it would be included in the congress a proposal by the foreign affairs committee of the lower house to include the Arab country in the list of nations that sponsor terrorism. Yet, it was rejected. Someone, apparently with common sense and without amnesia, recalled the United States has with that same country an area base which is constantly used to harass the ISIS army.

However, the conflict of interests still persists. Washington must make a well thought chess move since recently they sold arms to Saudi Arabia and new alliances with the United Arab Emirates are in the air; nevertheless, they should not abandon their partner Qatar, who have been faithful to the relations between both countries and with whom they have instrumental businesses.

Now, where is the plot? Coincidentally, Ed Royce, a Republican legislator, proposed strong sanctions against Qatar using harsh and hostile language. Although legislators of both parties were against it, Royce put under discussion a project of sanctions and restrictions, which was accepted. The funny thing is that the good patriot of Royce received a sum of $ 5,400 in gifts for his campaign, the highest allowed by the law, as a reward for his good action on the Broidy’s behalf. But the thing went on. Mueller, thanks to his informant, has discovered that Broidy gave to Republicans and political organizations of that party a total of almost 600,000 dollars.

According to the US legislation, donations from various sectors can be accepted for political campaigns; however, the capital sin is to accept money from abroad to take political positions in favor of external governments. As far as we know the money given by Nader, adviser to the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohamed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, leader of the Emirates, got to the hands of several Republicans, including part of the team of the presidential campaign of Donald Trump.

For the New York’s mogul the issue is getting murkier. I imagine Trump must be every day in front of the mirror preparing for the future meeting with Mueller, who with the amount of data compiled will unquestionable have no mercy. We hope Trump has a good shelter to hide from the storm that looms over him.