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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Trump´s administration against LGTB

Por qubano22005

All US governments have been discriminatory, but the current government, in addition to its contempt for what is different, has implemented measures that make clear its rejection. In addition, members of Trump’s cabinet, besides their statements, have signed anti-group laws that don’t support marginal social sectors such as the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trasgender) and the African-American communities, migrants and those protected by DACA.

According to the young Salvadoran José Concepción emigrant and a member of the LGBT community, the attacks against them are frightening. For this boy, if before it was difficult to come out of the closet, with Trump this fear multiplies.

The funny thing is that after the massacre at a gay club in Orlando and in the midst of the presidential campaign, the "cool" Trump, who had not yet imagined reaching the presidency, told the media that he would do everything in his power to protect citizens belonging to the LGTB community. Ironically,he stated too he would eliminate the violence and the ideology of hatred. A curious thing,he has done quite the opposite and has precisely fosteredhatred in the United States against severalof these social groups.

However, his Twits and actions were as contradictory as his cabinet’s appointments whose many of its members are openly anti-gay politicians and full of hate towards the LGTB community.

One of the reluctant opponents to accept people with different sexual orientation is Vice President Mike Pence. The conservative and Christian politician when he was governor tried to ban same-sex marriage in Indiana. In fact, on multiple occasions he voted against this kind of union.

Pence also wanted to revoke the federal policy "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell," which prohibited out-of-closet homosexual people from serving in the US Army. He has also been part of the people who promoted laws against the LGBT community, like the conversion therapy, a violation of human rights. This therapy refers to old practices in which people of different sexual orientation were subjected to psychological and pharmacological treatment to "correct" their "defect", a theory that has been overcome and multiple specialists have shown that it’s aberrant. Homosexuality and other forms of sexual expression are not treatable or curable diseases but, precisely, a sexual orientation.

Unfortunately, it’s not just Pence who has an obtuse and narrowed mind. The Attorney General or the Secretary of Education Betsy Devosfeels the same way regarding the LGBT community. In May, 2017, Devos stated that she sees no problem if the United States discriminates against LGBT students after the complaint that in several American schools bullying was exerted on students and professors members of these communities. The North American press in has denounced on many occasions how several US educational centers are hostile environments for LGBT people.

For his part, President Donald Trump, who apparently would support the LGBT community, announced last year the refusal to enlist in the army transgender people, which was recently approved by the Pentagon.

According to several community activists, before the Donald Trump’s seizure of power, the LGTB community felt quite safe. Several had been the rights achieved with the Obama administration that held a policy of acceptance and tolerance. Barack Obama himself has declared his faith that gay marriage is not prohibited and hopes to accomplish the fulfillment of other rights.

According to Steve Mendelson, interim executive director of Trevor Project, with Obama there was more openness and security in terms of laws and public policies. However, Mendelson, whose organization has more than 10 000members, says the LGBT community is suffering from a lot of fear and, with the creation of a new Congress, the fear grows. He believes a conservative Republican majority would imply the loss of several rights.

Nevertheless, so far, activism has become stronger and several political and social personalities have shown their support for the LGTB community. Although been affected by President Donald Trump, people like Dustin Lance Black, Oscar winner for the screenplay of the acclaimed film Milk, has created a miniseries named When We Rise that supports homosexual rights in the United States and with which it’s expected to sensitize American citizens.