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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Donald Trump targets clinics that perform abortions

Por Feco

Donald Trump has raised again his flag against abortion. The United States Health Department has proposed this Friday a regulation that involves cutting federal funds to any clinic that practices the procedure or shares facilities with entities that do so. Although highly controversial, the president has pleased many who longed for that policy.

As stated by El País, the president of the United States, married on three occasions, persecuted for the scandal of porn actress Stormy Daniels and with a wide history of accusations of harassment, would not fit in the profile of the American religious right movement. His policies, however, do help him win the favor of that key voter in many territories. The last measure seeks to close the path to abortion by cutting off the tap of federal public aid to any health center or program that performs them, or promotes them directly, referring patients to another place that carries them out.

This veto will mean a return to the policy established by Reagan in 1988, according to which the activities and personnel related to the voluntary interruption of pregnancy should be completely segregated from other services related to family planning, which means that they cannot share facilities with an entity dedicated to it. This morning it was not clear yet if this prohibition - at the risk of losing federal funds - also includes advice on the matter, even if it is merely an indication of where to go to get information. While the Associated Press notes that the simple consultations are part of the new prohibition, other sources told The New York Times that the draft on the table excludes them.

As several international media reported, the current legislation already prevents federal funds from being used for abortions, but the Reagan rule implies that a center that dedicates itself to it can no longer receive money, regardless of the purpose. That gag norm never fully came into force and in 1994, President Bill Clinton eliminated it. Now, Trump is satisfying the pro-life sectors. On his fourth day as president, he has already signed a decree by which he recovered the application of a law that prohibits NGOs and health care providers abroad from using funds from the Administration to advise on abortion. This policy dates from 1985. What is now underway applies to any US center, and the legal battle is more than foreseeable, as proponents of the right to abortion warn that the prohibition of even talking about the matter involves an interference in the doctor-patient relationship. Pro-life activists believe that aid to family planning centers that perform abortions, among other services, is an indirect subsidy to this practice. A new battle has begun for Donald Trump.